Monday, June 11, 2012

::Baby G:: Week 6


Today begins my sixth week of pregnancy and so far so good! I have some boob soreness and a little nausea but overall, I am just peeing frequently, very frequently!

My sister works at my OB office and was able to get me in two weeks early for an ultrasound. Before we started the ultrasound, the doctor mentioned that you can't always see or hear the heart beat this soon so I was prepared that I might not get to see or hear the baby today. We get all set up, he asked the typical questions and we started the ultrasound. I was immediately able to see it!! I saw the baby and I could see the little flicker that was the heart beat. He was even able to play the sound so I could hear it! It was so awesome. We got a picture printed and I took one with my phone. It's so surreal to realize there is a baby inside me!

 Now that I know for sure that the baby is there and growing as expected, I am ready to tell my mom on Mother's Day. I made a chalkboard similar to the one on the Little Baby Garvin blog. I decorated it last night. I am not quite sure how I am going to incorporate the chalkboard just yet but I am thinking of showing it to her when I hand her the picture and a grandma Mother's Day card..

Hopefully the rest of week six remains good and healthy! Baby is the size of a sweet pea!

:-) Mere

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